Monday 15 July 2013


Sharknado, pundemic on Twitter, has restored the B-movie back to its rightful place in American life: cult summer blockbuster and universal inside joke. To join in you don't need a TV or even to have seen the movie. You only must appreciate absurdity...........check out the full article

I am still waiting for some of you to hand in your proposals the deadline was last Friday so please get them to me asap.

You need to keep researching and building your catalogs ready for September. Refer to the booklets and Moodle I will provide exemplar material when we return in September.

Monday 8 July 2013

Research Proposals

Research Proposals due in this week
Can you all make sure that your blogs are kept up to date start to gather reviews of your films and keep that blog updated.

Tuesday 2 July 2013


I am a little concerned at the lack of progress on some of the blogs.  From Monday 6th you need to submit your research proposal to me.  I know some of you are considering two titles that is fine just add some rationale that includes both research proposals.

It is vital that you keep the blogs up to date as these will become an excellent resource for your study.  I suggest you start to keep a record of all sources you have looked at as a Word Doc this willl then become your catalogue.  A good place to start is to gather reviews of your  films.

Interesting piece from Jim Carrey what do you think?

Jim Carrey Distances Himself From Kick-Ass 2
'I cannot support the level of violence'

New Percy Jackson

Remember to add a Followers gadget from the layout menu