Thursday, 20 September 2012

Small Scale Research Presentations

Tuesday 20 November

Jake Alex B Ruth Meg

Thursday 22

Meg Dan Marlon Anthony

Tuesday 27 November

Anthony Rai Robyn Hugh

Thursday 29 November

Hugh Andrew M Lucy Andrew P

Tuesday 4 December

Andrew P Alicia Alex P Callum

Thursday 6 December

Callum Louie + any missed

After your presentation you will then have until Thursday 13 December to make any amendments to you Catalogue or Script based on the written feedback you will receive after your presentation.

Wednesday, 22 August 2012


Empire Magazine Skyfall Cover

I trust you all had a good summer and saw some good films, I look forward to hearing about them.  Over the course of the next two weeks I will be looking over your blogs and leaving comments.  Please ensure you have completed the summer work ready for me to collect in when you get back, refer to the yellow booklet for help.

Thursday, 12 July 2012

Small Scale Research

When you have your proposal returned to you.  You will be expected to continue research throughout the summer and be ready to hand in the evidence of your research next term.  Required;

Close Textual Analysis of Focus and Supporting films
Continue to gather material for your cataloge (not all electronic)
Start to put together slide titles or chapter headings that will direct you research

It would be a good idea if you all signed up to the Empire Newsletter it is an excellent

Wednesday, 4 July 2012


Some people are yet to hand me their proposals I therefore assume those people will not be returning after the summer holidays.  For those that did hand in I will hand them all back to you in our lesson on Tuesday

Wednesday, 27 June 2012

Deadline Thursday

Fresh Dark Knight Rises Trailer

Dont forget that your draft proposal is due in on Thursday, please ensure that this is typed please.

I recommend you all sign up for the Empire newsletter its a really good source of news and research.

Latest Frankenweenie Trailer Online over at Apple

Saturday, 23 June 2012

Film Technology

Pacific Rim Poster
Anyone know much about this?  Sounds a bit Transformers to me

Some really interesting stuff on ILM site about the development of the

You will all need to use the fantastic BFI Education and research site accessed here

Make sure that you are using Sight and Sound reviews for your films.  You all need to submit your proposed research question by next Thursday.  If you need any help then come and ask me or Marion.

Thursday, 14 June 2012


Prometheus stays top of the UK box office

As you now all have your blog set up and you are thinking about your research titles why not start looking at things like the top 10 there is some research to be done on audience here and reboots ie Prometheus.  What about Ill manners and British Urban films ?  

There is a wide scope for you to investigate find an area of film that interests you and then start blogging.  I will catch up with you next lesson to discuss initial research ideas with you.

If you have any questions or something you would like to see on the blog then let me know by leaving a comment or coming to see me in GF03.

The most important thing for you to remember is to enjoy this

 Interesting image of the family?



Monday, 28 May 2012

Now you have your blog set up you need to be following me on this one.  Look at the bar on the right and follow me.  I will post all the deadlines and any important information on here.

You now need to start considering a research title look at some of the previous ones in your booklet.  You have a very wide field of research choices.  Come and discuss ideas with me and Marion before you go to far down the road of unsupervised research.

How To Make A Billion Dollars At The Box

Sign up to the empire Newsletter on Empire .com make sure you are reading Sight and Sound

Good Luck

Monday, 26 March 2012

Deadline Approaching

You should have finished your written/Filmed work by this friday this would allow you to write you cover sheet and Reflective Analysis over Easter. 

All products have to be handed to me by the end of our second lesson on Wednesday 18 April with your completed signed coversheet

Leaving your products until after Easter is a risk any problems let me know asap

Monday, 2 January 2012

Creative Project

Welcome Back everyone.
Happy New Year

We will be starting on the Creative Project this Tuesday so dont forget your red booklet I gave out before the holidays
